Roses for my Material Girls. Collaging with Fabric.
July 5, 2018
This is The Time of Year!
October 31, 2018SEE YOU AT THE NEXT SHOW!
It did my heart good to see such a wide variety of people at my Material Girls art show at the Gilbert Chapel Gallery. The St. Pete First Art Collective and First United Methodist Church opened their doors and welcomed all.
We had folks attend who were experts in art and those who had never been to an Art Walk before. We had children creating at the Collage table as well as an 85-year-old grandma.
There were a Doctor and her family, a well-known art critic, a magazine editor, a professional photographer, a boutique owner, a group of local athletes and five of the St. Pete Glitter Queens enjoying art and visiting.
Here is my point. Art is universal and is unifying! People like to see it, touch it and many times, own it.
Thank you all for supporting not only me but the Arts in our community.
See you at the next show! I’m percolating on what I’m going to do!