Material Girls
The Fabric of Our Lives
May 20, 2018
Material Girls Collages
Roses for my Material Girls. Collaging with Fabric.
July 5, 2018
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A “Feel Good” Art Show

A Feel Good Art Show


The Opening Night of “Material Girls” at the elegant Gilbert  Chapel Gallery at First United Methodist Church, EXCEEDED all my expectations.

Visually it was a WOW, thanks to St. Pete First Art Collective Curator, Sue Rowe. In keeping with the theme of collaging with material, I brought a bunch of saris from India to Sue and asked her what to do with them.  Saris are the most exquisite fabrics to me. So she climbed to the top of the church ladder and hung saris everywhere.  It was enchanting and certainly added to the ambiance of my show. The Gallery itself is a show-stopper with the sun shining through stained glass and the huge round stained glass piece hanging above the stage.  High ceilings and lots of space make it an extraordinary place to display art.

Gilbert  Chapel Gallery

Material Girls Art Show

The entire evening was a love fest to me. I saw friends I hadn’t seen in many months who came to support. A dear friend, Chris Murray, gave up her actual birthday to make and serve incredible food for guests.  Another wonderful friend, Linda Roberts did interactive collaging with guests all evening. They were delighted with their creations.

Many of the fabrics were given to me by supporters Nancy Schwartz and Ryan McGhee. Its the fabric that inspires me. Natalie Velez, founder of Bella Unica Art Gallery and Events took spectacular photographs all evening. And several of my St. Pete Glitter Queen sisters came to see the piece I did in their honor.

Material Girls Art Show

Material Girls Art Show

Material Girls Art Show

Material Girls Art Show

Material Girls Art Show

You may be wondering if it was a successful Opening. YES!  8 pieces of art were SOLD.

I’m thrilled that Gina White and the St. Pete First Art Collective chose me to be a presenting artist. St. Pete First Art Collective is a unique group dedicated to creating opportunities and space for artists and the community to come together.

Still another blessing was that Natalie Velez and I had the opportunity to talk about Rapha House (safe-houses for children who have been rescued from trafficking)  She and I and my husband Sal just returned from the mission field in Cambodia and Thailand visiting the Rapha children. The subject of two of my pieces is a special child who was rescued and grew up at Rapha House.


I think what I loved most about the evening is that it was a “feel good” event. People enjoyed visiting, munching on delicious homemade goodies, making collages, learning about Rapha House, enjoying the Material Girls and being in that glorious Gallery.

Collaging at the art show


The guests created their colorful collages.

If you missed it, come on July 14th, 5:00 PM -9:00 PM at Gilbert Chapel Gallery,  212 3rd St N, St. Petersburg, FL.  Enter and park on 2nd Ave.

Dee Perconti in Gilbert Chapel Gallery

I promise you won’t be bored and you will leave feeling good!



1 Comment

  1. Terri Johnson says:

    Dee, your art work is as stunning as the person who created the art. Please tell Sal I said hi! I think about you both and your loving and beautiful spirits.

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